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Since starting this group up, we have:

  • Instigated and worked with the Norwich Fringe project to manage the woodland at Kett’s Park with regular work days.

  • Raised over £27,000 towards a new footpath through the woodland at the back of Kett’s Park

  • Held bi-annual litter picks within the town

  • Tree planting at Fairland Church, Standley Court, alongside the river Tiffey

  • Installed a new hedge at Kings Head Meadow

  • Planted 3000 bulbs on grassland by the traffic lights

  • Publicised existing re-cycling schemes and actively encouraging businesses to support further recycling within the town.

  • Held a climate action conference.

  • Run a campaign on Small Trees for Small Gardens to encourage more trees to be planted in Wymondham.

  • Started Wymondham: A Hedgehog Haven project, a joint initiative between Wymondham in Bloom & Greening Wymondham, to support hedgehogs by forging links with other community groups and individuals who care about hedgehogs.

  • Created two Planted for Wildlife areas on roadside verges in Wymondham.

  • Planted 1,100 native bulbs in Kett’s Park Wood.

  • Proposed and received permission for a Community Orchard on Browick Road Park.

  • In the autumn of 2021, we pledged a tree for every final year primary school child in Wymondham.

You can read more about some of our projects below:


Kett's Park:  For several years now Greening Wymondham volunteers have been working on woodland management at Kett’s Park Wood.  Before we started, the wood had had little or no management since it was planted.  In many areas, the trees were planted too densely, causing them to grow tall and thin rather than ‘filling out’ and preventing the growth of a lower understory of plants.  Active and ongoing management is essential to creation of proper structure in the woodland, to conserve the wood, to increase biodiversity and to make it a pleasant and inviting place for recreational use. 


Trees for Schools:  Greening Wymondham have pledged a tree for every final year primary school child in Wymondham.  In the Autumn term of 2021 each pupil received a sapling in a soil plug, suitable for planting in a small garden, for raising in a pot in a courtyard, or for planting in a public area to be sourced with our aid.  The trees were chosen with biodiversity, nature connectivity, clean air and small gardens in mind.  Our hope is that pupils will plant their sapling with care, and maybe even a secret message with their name and the date, saying their tree is planted with hope for a green future.

October Hedgehog Haven Stall.JPG

Wymondham: A Hedgehog Haven:  is a project to support Hedgehogs by forging links with other community groups and individuals who care about Hedgehogs.  The project is a joint initiative between Wymondham in Bloom & Greening Wymondham.


Small Trees for Small Gardens:  A project to encourage planting more trees in Wymondham, focusing on small trees suitable for smaller gardens.  Planting more trees is one of the easiest, most effective, and natural ways to reduce global carbon emissions and help mitigate climate change.


Talks and Presentations:  Greening Wymondham have given a series a talks, presentations and webinars over the last few years, including Hedgehog Havens, Wildflowers and Biodiversity and an Environmental Seminar.  Further details and recordings are available on our talks and presentation page.

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Funding:  Learn about our recent funding and how these funds are used by Greening Wymondham to help improve our local environment.

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Gallery:  A gallery of Greening Wymondham’s environmental and sustainability projects.

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