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Wymondham Nature Group carries out conservation work on four sites, NWT Lower Wood, Ashwellthorpe SSSI, NWT Hethel Old Thorn (the UK's smallest nature reserve), Hethel Churchyard and Tolls Meadow LNR (a fen meadow owned by Wymondham Town Council).  New volunteers are always welcome!

We help with the coppice management of NWT Lower Wood, Ashwellthorpe, an ancient woodland which is recorded in the Domesday Book. Coppicing, a traditional form of woodland management, not only rejuvenates the trees but encourages a rich ground flora. In the spring, the wood is carpeted with bluebells and wild garlic. There are also large patches of wood anemone, herb paris, twayblade and a profusion of early purple orchids. Butterflies, including white admiral and silver-washed fritillary, abound in the summer and in the autumn, it is a great place for a fungus foray – we’ve recorded over 450 species!


Coppicing takes place every Sunday from the beginning of October until around March depending on the start of spring. We meet at 1.30 pm and tools and tea are provided. There is a small car park on The Street, Ashwellthorpe, NR16 1HB, TM 139 976. Contact Anne Edwards 01603 812309 or for more information. 

Tasks include stoking, strimming, ditching, and willow fence construction on this species-rich, wet meadow situated in a gentle valley either side of the River Tiffey on the southwestern side of Wymondham. The meadow provides habitat for water voles, bank voles, common shrew and many species of bird. Work parties take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, 1.30 pm – 4.00 pm until the end of March. Refreshments provided. Meet at vehicle access gate (opposite side of road to cemetery). For more information contact the warden John Beckett, 01953 602876 

Cutting and raking of the churchyard, which is maintained as a traditional wildflower meadow, takes place on Sundays from 1.30 pm in September. Tools and tea are provided. We also cut around Hethel Old Thorn, the smallest nature reserve in the county! The churchyard is entirely managed for wildlife and is home to a stunning diversity of wildflowers. There are large patches of pyramidal orchid, cowslip, ox-eye daisy, ladies bedstraw, wild daffodil and a range of grasses.  It is a haven for bees, butterflies, birds and mammals. 


Contact Anne Edwards 01603 812309 or for more information.

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