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Imagining the future can be deeply unsettling.  Rising temperatures, drought, flooding, storms, unpredictable weather events are already showing themselves to be the result of climate change caused by fossil fuel burning. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report shows that our target of staying below a 1.5° C increase by 2050 is unlikely to be met.  Predictable impacts are loss of human lives, human livelihoods, food shortages, extinction of plant and animal species and breakdown of society.  But what if we could do something about it?  It does not have to be this way…


Now imagine a world where community spirit is strong, people come together, watch out for each other, help each other. We have seen this happen during World War ll; community solidarity led to suicide rates plummeting.


Rupert Read, professor of philosophy at UEA, describes 3 possible scenarios: the Dodo – extinction, the Phoenix – rising from the ashes or the Butterfly – reborn without having to die first.  Let’s aim for a Butterfly future where we work with and for each other, together with, not separate from nature.  


If you want to be part of this, share your imagination of a better future with others, find support, share ideas and take action, come along to this FREE talk and workshop:


A Butterfly Future? Monday 24 April 6pm to 8pm at the Abbey Hall, Church St, Wymondham NR18 0PL.  Doors open 5.30pm.  Led by Rupert Read, UEA, author of ‘Why climate breakdown matters’ and ‘Parents for a future’.  Supported by Greening Wymondham.


Books by Rupert Read will be available for purchase.  Cash only please.

Rupert Read event 24 April JPEG.jpg

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